Time does not heal all wounds...

Video Games

Journey to Aktiya Waya

Journey to Aktiya Waya is a 2.5D action RPG video game based off of the events of Wolf Pack (The Lone Wolf #1).  While not a scene-for-scene adaptation, all major elements of the story are included.


Players assume the role of Kiyuga, a young Cherokee warrior who must navigate the encroachment of British settlers and the perils of international war.  Meanwhile, his brother, Anagalisgi, guides the people using his visions of death and destruction.  Somehow, they must work together to save the people, even if it means accepting help from their worst enemies.


In addition to this main quest, J2AW is littered with a number of side missions, bringing Cherokee mythology to life in a unique and entertaining fashion.  Battle rock monsters, giant snakes, and bloated leeches.  If you're daring, dive into the guts of a giant fish.


Players can expect to battle enemies in order to gather items needed for leveling up, crafting, and basic commerce.  Weapons and Armor scale according to certain stats, making it possible to build your character multiple ways and try out new things.


J2AW production has been stalled for the time being. Click here to read what is going on there.  Click here for the alpha test log.

Latest Release - No release yet


How to Read:

0 - Major story chapter, essential mechanic

.0 - Significant but not essential mechanic, significant side mission

.0 - Lesser mechanics, lesser quests, extraneous points of interest

.0 - Minor graphic changes, cleanup, etc.

Beta Test

Beta testing will become available once the game has been migrated over to RPM online (date unavailable).


This as yet unnamed game is a 3D sequel to Journey to Aktiya Waya, following Sabelu as depicted in Lone Wolf (The Lone Wolf #3).  While not a scene-for-scene adaptation, all major elements of the story are included.

Players assume the role of Sabelu, a young Krydik man gifted with intense and sometimes overwhelming prophetic gifts, including the ability to look into the spirit world and see the Whites and Shadows that fight for the soul of his people.

The primary draw of the game is that players will be able to choose whom they side with, the Whites or the Shadows.  This choice, in addition to a number of side quests, will create a dynamic plotline with multiple possible endings.

Players can expect to battle monsters and Shadows (or Whites) in addition to common creatures and antagonistic neighbors.  Players will also explore a world populated by both bustling villages and not-so-empty ancient ruins, collecting clues and artifacts to unlock the secrets of the world of Hlohi.  Along the way, players will craft items and pick up weapons and armor that scale with a variety of stats, allowing for multiple builds for various styles of play.

This game is not yet ready for release in any sense of the word.

Latest Release

This game is not yet ready for release in any sense of the word  Tracking will commence once all basic gameplay elements are in place.
[ ] Basic character navigation
[ ] Basic camera navigation
[ ] Basic landscape and ability to traverse
[ ] Basic item usage
[ ] Basic save/load